What do you need to consider for Microsoft Teams adoption?


I discussed this question, quite literally in a roundabout kind of way with @Karuana Gatimu. She was quick to emphasise that it’s broader than just Microsoft Teams. Successful adoption of Teams will take a community, lead by end-users who are enthusiastic about productivity and technology. 

I asked Karuana a few questions:

  • Why is it important to plan for User Adoption when deploying Microsoft Teams?
  • How can an organisation build an internal community to support Microsoft Teams? 
  • What success factor lead the internal community to start supporting themselves?

Watch this 360 video to get more context of the discussion.



Karuana Gatimu talks with Darrell Webster about running a successful User Adoption project for Microsoft Teams. https://www.adoptandembrace.com/microsoft-teams-adoption/ Why is it important to plan for User Adoption when deploying Microsoft Teams? What success factors lead an internal community to
1 Reply

Thanks Darrell.

Some good tips were uncovered there.