Unread Posts/Discussions

Silver Contributor

Ok, I'm a little confused here... is the unread feature of these forums not working, or am I missing something????

1st picture shows the main forum page... "Microsoft Edge Insider" Notice the number of unread posts in the Discussions section....Unread Posts.jpg


Next one is of the Discussions section and when selecting "Unread", and what actually shows up.. Where are the other 9 posts?Unread Posts 1.jpg


"Show more Conversations" is greyed out.....

It is a pain to have to go through each and every post to find what has the new posts when this feature is not working.



6 Replies



Is this issue still present?



Yes, it sure is.... Even on the latest version (Version (Official build) canary (64-bit))
And also in todays update Version (Official build) canary (64-bit)

Yes, the issue still persists...



Are you having this same issue in different Browsers?



Just tested it in IE, Edge, Edge Dev and here in Edge Can. Happens in all of them...



then that would be more an issue with the Forum site itself, rather than Microsoft Edge Insider, perhaps @Elliot_Kirk might have some input or suggestions.

