How do you use the "Add notes" functionality on web pages?


Many of the insiders mentioned that they would like to see the "Add notes" functionality in the new browser and they use it often on current Microsoft Edge. We would like to understand the scenarios in which you use (or would like to use) this functionality on web pages. Your inputs will help us make it better for the users.

PS: Re-posting this as a conversation as many of you could not respond to the previous survey due to some restrictions. 

2 Replies

I personally haven't used that, but that is just due to not having Windows 10 for long so I haven't gotten used to it.



@vygadeka People in another discussion 'Inking on Web Pages - Discussion' have said many uses, and I as a student use it to annotate online resources, webpages, and such as it allows me to write on pages, and resources without going to the library to print it out. It would be more useful on Chromium Edge as one can see mildly edit PDFs in browser and so if the Add Notes/Web Inking functionality will add more features to annotate websites (For example if I am to research the Air Pollution from Gasoline Powered Vehicles and the Potential Benefits of Ethanol Blending there is a PDF posted online by Energy Future Coalition United Nations Foundation - , which I would need to print to annotate whereas in Edge Chromium I would be able to annotate all of the document without printing anything using the Draw tool in the PDF viewer, If the document was instead written in a website, I would need the Add notes/Web Inking function from Edge Legacy to annotate on the document without printing the webpage) I would suggest an improvement to differentiate from other such software such as the Snip & Sketch people on the above mentioned discussion mentioned, is to instead of creating a screenshot of the webpage it has a function to send/share it as the webpage complete with annotations, as in a snapshot of the site with markings all left able to be edited by the person receiving it as if it was still being edited and after the group collaboration the markings become something smoother than PNGs, I would also recommend an undo/redo function for both the PDF editor and the Add notes/Web Inking function. The link to the file is just to show size and need to annotate, the discussion has lots more reasons/ways people use it.