Provision new team site with custom SiteDesign using New-PnPSite

Iron Contributor

I implemented a custom site design for modern Team sites in my tenant, which I can create without issues using the Create Site button and select from a drop down.  But I'd like to provision my team sites using the New-PnPSite cmdlet.  This cmdlet contains params for -Type and -SiteDesign


If I set Type="CommunicationSite" and SiteDesign to "Topic" or "Showcase" then New-PnPSite works as expected.  But if Type="TeamSite" and SiteDesign="[My custom Team Site Design]", Powershell reports an error of "A parameter cannot be found that matches parameter name 'SiteDesign'.".


Anyone know if this is expected behavior and if so, why?  I realiz that OOTB there is only a single default site design for Team sites, so it would make sense that you can't set a SiteDesign by default.  But since its possible to create custom site designs for team sites it seems like the ability to specify the SiteDesign is just as important for team sites and comm sites.



Tom Castiglia


1 Reply

@Tom Castiglia Did you ever find a solution for this?  I am having the same issue.