Hybrid Delve - Content surfacing and signals from on-premises environments

Copper Contributor

If cloud hybrid search is configured, will on-premises content surface on Delve Home, Me, Person pages or will it appear only when content is searched via Delve search box?


Also, does Office graph capture signals from on-premises environments for hybrid configurations or only from Office 365? If yes, which signals are collected from on-premises environments?   

7 Replies

The following is from Configuring Microsoft SharePoint Hybrid Capabilities which you can get at https://blogs.msdn.microsoft.com/microsoft_press/2016/07/06/free-ebook-configuring-microsoft-sharepo...


In the preview version of cloud hybrid search, Delve will make it possible for users to see search results from on-premises as well as Office 365. Gestures such as adding an item to a board will work just the same for on-premises content as for Office 365 content. On premises content from SharePoint will also show up as activity on the Me page or a person page in Delve.

Thanks Dean, Do you know if it is still the case or if the experience has been enhanced as cloud hybrid search is GA rather than in preview now. I am not able to find latest up to date information on the hybrid delve experience and on-premises signals from internet.

Is there any specific feature you are looking for? I have a demo environment set up with Cloud Hybrid search where I could test specific signals.

Thanks Nico, I am looking to see if on-prem content is surfaced on the Delve Home(popular documents section based on activties performed on them) or just on Me and Person pages.



We have started using the cloud ssa in a SharePoint 2013 farm and can confirm that on-prem content appear in Delve even if you don't search.


We can favorite on-prem content and add to boards.


I suspect that the only signals available for the on-prem content is comming from the hybrid search itself, but it's just my theory.


I see documents from a team site in SharePoint 2013 marked as "Private document" Modified  March 10, and I see a word document marked as "Popular".


Non of these items appear with a reference to someone who has edited, emailed or shared with me.

I expect some of the documents to appear in Delve because they have been in my search results in SPO, but the popular one hasn't.


The whole experience is a bit black box magic for now.


I suspect on-prem signals are fed to Delve every time a document is re-crawled and cloud index updated, but I cannot prove that theory.

Anyone from Microsoft who can confirm the behaviour?

Content from outside O365 definitely appears in all the graph-driven experiences.  (We have quite a number of customers doing this with our connectors).


Right now the signals include number of modifications and when something changed (for completely external content) and I can confim Petter's observation that popularity (views) of onprem content does seem to show up too.  Sharing signals do not seem to show up.