Announcing public preview of Apache Kafka on HDInsight with Azure Managed disks

Community Manager

In this blog, we announce the Public Preview of Apache Kafka with Azure Managed Disks on the HDInsight platform. Users can now deploy Kafka clusters with managed disks straight from Azure portal, with no signup necessary. This allows for the powerful advantage of exponentially higher scalability, alongside exponential lower cost as workloads scale.


One of the customer success stories highlighted is with Toyota Inc. Over the last year HDInsight has worked very closely with is Toyota Inc. to build one of the world’s largest and most distributed connected car streaming platform. This platform processes millions of large events/day in production on HDInsight Kafka to unlock insights in real-time. This blog details the high-level architecture, and hand on examples for streaming data from live feeds such as Twitter to HDInsight Kafka and Spark structured streaming.




Read about it on the Azure blog.

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