Understanding health criteria in Azure Monitor for VMs

Community Manager

Azure Monitor for virtual machines (VMs) offers a myriad of monitoring features that help you view VMs from various perspectives. A few of those perspectives are:


  1. The health of the VM and its components. This helps you to monitor, diagnose, and localize issues in operating systems, core components, and services such as Domain Name System (DNS), Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP), and more. Also, it identifies performance issues with CPU, memory, disk, and network adapter on your VMs.
  2. Performance trends. These trends show you the performance with CPU, memory, disk, and network adapter performance metrics over time. 
  3. Maps - Connection topology and metrics. This gives you a visual map that shows the processes running on your VMs and the interaction between them, as well as important events and alerts.


Read about it in the Azure blog.

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