Wrong title x 3

Bronze Contributor



Description of language or user experience issue

Misplaced and wrong “Titel på” in title of template under Start from a template.





Steps to reproduce your issue

Go to https://sway.com/my


Browser used (if applicable)



Current translation (if applicable)

Titel på præsentationsmappe

Titel på blogindlæg

Titel på CV


Suggested translation (if applicable)

Præsentationsmappe [temabillede] or Portfolio [temabillede]

Blog [standard]

CV [standard]


English text (if known)

Portfolio [Showcase photo]

Blog [Standard]

Resume [Standard]


 Reason why you feel it should change

The word title should only be shown when you actually open the template and have access to replace it with your own title—it should not be shown on the main page (which is the behavior in the English version).

1 Reply

Hi @Jørgen Koch thanks for those suggestion in both English and Danish. We will come back to you on them! Regards, Staff