Excel Data Streamer - Translation ideas in Japanese

Brass Contributor

Hello team,

There are some suggestions for the Excel Data Streamer that is localized and translated in Japanese.


1. Sheet "Data In"
Cell - A3: Current Data: NOT translated to Japanese.

My suggestion is "現在のデータ"

Cell - A6: Historical Data: NOT translated to Japanese.

My suggestion is "履歴データ"


Please find the attached JPG to find which sheet and cells I'm suggesting.

2. Explanation in Ribbon
Explanation sentence of "Stop Recording" button can be improved.


I can understand with current Japanese explanation, However I think it is able to be simplified and optimized so that each user can understand more easily.

Original English:
Stop recording live data from your device. You will be prompted to save the recording as a CSV file which you can then play again by clicking Import Data File in the Ribbon.


Current Japanese:
デバイスからのライブ データの記録を終了します。
保存された記録は、リボンの[データ ファイルのインポート]をクリックするともう一度再生できます。


My suggestion:
デバイスからのライブ データの記録を終了し、CSVファイルとして保存します。
保存された記録は、リボンの[データ ファイルのインポート]をクリックするともう一度再生できます。


Thank you,

2 Replies

@kazma_007 Thanks for your suggestion. Our Japanese moderator took a look, agreed with you and we have implemented it.



Great job!
Thank you!!