Teams classbook does not open

Copper Contributor

The other day I was trying to access one of my class notebooks that I created through Microsoft Teams and when I click class notebook it now says

"This class notebook has not been set up yet"  and my students see "waiting for the teacher to set up a notebook".


I am confused by this since I set up the notebook through teams and we have been using it for a couple of weeks now.  Is there a way to get that team section to link back to our class notebook?



3 Replies

We have had same exact issue. We are on the Yellowstone database in Singapore, but not sure if it makes any difference as it seems Teams components spread out all over. 


Our workaround is to have users grab the notebook URL from Waffle> OneNote> get url from list. 


Paste the URL into a conversation or somewhere that users can access URL "just in case this pops up." Unfortunately, busy teachers aren't necessarily following our updates, hate workarounds in general and are demanding it work. Causing confusion to be sure.



Hi Robert,


It's a known bug and Microsoft just pushed a fix into production last night.

If you still see this error the teacher should be able to just click to setup the class notebook once more and it should reappear. If you see this again in the future please raise a ticket using



Thank you, I tried it this morning and I am still getting the same response.  I will continue to try it.

