NPS and Azure MFA server

Copper Contributor

I am trying to set VPN  MFA with my Meraki firewall to Windows using NPS and Azure MFA server.

I can not find many documents on this and keep getting stuck it seems no matter what configuration I keep receiving different errors depending on the configuration between NPS and Azure MFA  does anyone  please have steps on this is properly configure between NPS and Azure MFA  this would greatly appreciate it

1 Reply



Im doing the same, the problem seems to be that the PAP does support OTP codes from the mobile app and an HW token, but the built-in L2TP/Ipsec client in the windows 10 does not support additional input, so the only one that would work, is call-up or notification on the app, and that needs internet access on the phone for the notification to work, which make a mess sometimes, and a call is not practical, like when you using Wi-Fi on an airplane where the phone has no coverage and the Wi-Fi is only allowing single MAC address. 


It seems to be quite unstable also, I done a test setup and the MFA worked twice of like 6 tries yesterday. 

