This resource was not found, it may have been deleted.

Copper Contributor



I've onboarded several of my clients to the Azure Sentinel preview as a POC. For any of these customers, when I go to one of my Azure Sentinel solution dashboards (Identity & Access, in this example), I get the following error when trying to click on the LogAnalytics button at the top of the visualization. I've also noticed the workspace resource ID is incorrect - it's looking for it at ./providers/microsoft.insights/etc. but it's actually at /providers/microsoft.operationalInsights/etc.


Is anyone else experiencing this?


"This resource was not found, it may have been deleted. /subscriptions/mySub/resourceGroups/myRG/providers/microsoft.insights/components/workspaceName"
Annotation 2019-04-25 085144.jpg
2 Replies



I noticed that for some of my dashboards. I had to recreate the panels.