Need sample to make Donut Multiquery sample in Azure Workbooks

Copper Contributor

I hope someone can help me with a sample query that makes this type of Donut with Multiquery in Azure Workbooks. I have provided the 3 queries below. I realize, that Donut Multiquery is possible in View Designer, but my problem with that tool is, that is does NOT respect the time range in my query (last 30 days). It defaults to 24h



Servers - Need Feature Updates (Azure Workbooks) - count
| where TimeGenerated > now(-30d)
| where OSType!="Linux" and Optional==false
| where (UpdateState =~ "Needed") and ((Classification == "Feature Packs") or (Classification == "Updates") or (Classification == "Upgrades") or (Classification == "Service Packs")) and (Approved!=false) and (PublishedDate < ago(31d))
| where (Product contains "server") and (Product !contains "drivers")
| summarize arg_max(TimeGenerated, *) by Computer,UpdateID
| distinct Computer
| count
Servers - Need Important Security updates (Azure Workbooks) - count
| where TimeGenerated > now(-30d)
| where OSType!="Linux" and Optional==false
| where (UpdateState =~ "Needed") and ((Classification == "Security Updates") or (Classification == "Update Rollups") or (Classification == "Monthly Rollups")) and (Approved!=false) and (PublishedDate < ago(31d)) and (KBID != "890830")
| where (Product contains "server") and (Product !contains "drivers")
| summarize arg_max(TimeGenerated, *) by Computer,UpdateID
| distinct Computer
| count
Servers - Need Critical Non-Security Updates (Azure Workbooks) - count
| where TimeGenerated > now(-30d)
| where OSType!="Linux" and Optional==false
| where (UpdateState =~ "Needed") and ((Classification == "Critical Updates")) and (Approved!=false) and (PublishedDate < ago(31d))
| where (Product contains "server") and (Product !contains "drivers")
| summarize arg_max(TimeGenerated, *) by Computer,UpdateID
| distinct Computer
| count

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