Copy data to Azure Data Explorer using Azure Data Factory


Azure Data Explorer is a fast, fully managed data analytics service for real-time analysis on large volumes of data streaming from many sources such as applications, websites, and IoT devices. Iteratively explore data and identify patterns and anomalies to improve products, enhance customer experiences, monitor devices, and boost operations. Explore new questions and get answers in minutes. Azure Data Factory is a fully managed cloud-based data integration service. You can use the service to populate your Azure Data Explorer database with data from your existing system and save time when building your analytics solutions.


This article shows you how to use the Data Factory Copy Data tool to load data from Amazon S3 into Azure Data Explorer. You can follow similar steps to copy data from other data stores such as Azure Blob Storage, Azure SQL Database, Azure SQL Data Warehouse, Google BigQuery,Oracle, and File system (Supported data stores).

Azure Data Factory offers a number of benefits for loading data into Azure Data Explorer.


Read about them here! 



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