UNC Path to AAD Joined Device

Brass Contributor

I need to know how to access a purely AAD joined device via the unc path such as:



The device is only my local network, not the Internet at the time of this testing.


I get prompted for the credentials and I have tried the following





The only thing that seems to work is if I use a local computer account:



Is there a way to access via the azure credentials?

4 Replies

Are you a global admin? According to this, you have to be or manually added to device admin role in order to automatically be added to the local machine administrator group.

Also if you users are synced with local AD to azure you need to use domain\username format. Otherwise it's AzureAD\ as you tried if they are cloud only. 



Purely AAD joined device will not be able to access any network resources, as other machines on the network have no notion of the account used. This scenario will only work for Hybrid AAD Join: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/active-directory/devices/hybrid-azuread-join-manual-steps

I am trying to access the AAD device with the same credentials as an Azure user that is an local admin on the machine.

So you're trying to use the users login remote? Users by default are not added to local admin group unless they were the ones that Joined to azuread. Anyway, is the user cloud only or synced to your local domain? If synced try with domain\username format assuming that user is global admin / device admin / local admin.