PowerShell: Find VNet of an ARM VM

Brass Contributor

Hi everyone,


it took me quite some time to find a way to get the VNet an ARM VM belongs to by using PowerShell. I don't think this is the perfect solution, but I would like to share it in order someone else needs to find out. I would be interested in better ways of getting attached networks. I will start the discussion with this code snippet



 $vnets= Get-AzureRmVirtualNetwork
$vm = Get-AzureRmVM -name $newVm.Name -ResourceGroupName $newRG
$vmIPId = $vm.NetworkProfile.NetworkInterfaces.Id
foreach ($vnet in $vnets){
$vnetIPId = $vnet.Subnets.IpConfigurations.Id
if ($vnetIPId.Startswith($vmIPId) ){
$vnetName = $vnet.Name


Cheers Christian

6 Replies
I think it should work without the for loop as well. I will have a try tomorrow.



Funny, that it isnt straight forward to get the vNet!


I tried to do it using another method, but in the end I am not sure it is better than yours. :)


$RG = "HybridWorkers"
 $VMName = "AA10"
 $VM = Get-AzureRMVM -ResourceGroupName $RG -Name $VMName 
 $VMNicName = $vm.NetworkProfile.NetworkInterfaces.Id.Split("/")[-1] 
 $VMNic = Get-AzureRmNetworkInterface -ResourceGroupName $RG -Name 
 $VMvNetName = $VMNic.IpConfigurations.Subnet.Id.Split("/")[8]
 $vNet = Get-AzureRmVirtualNetwork -ResourceGroupName $RG -Name $VMvNetName


It think it is quite weird that the command outputs this "Id" but afaik the other commands cannot use that as input to get a resource. :)



Nice. This was one of my approaches as well.

What I wanted to automate was to get the vNet without knowing the ResourceGroup it belongs to.

Not really innovating, just bringing it down to a single line:

$vnetName = Get-AzureRmVirtualNetwork | % {if($_.Subnets.IpConfigurations.Id.StartsWith($vm.NetworkProfile.NetworkInterfaces.Id)){return $_.Name}}

I have revised the script with the following guidance:

  1. No looping
  2. No dependencies on additionally required pieces of information, e.g. resource group


$vm = get-azvm -name azpbagentdvm01 
$nic = get-aznetworkinterface -resourceid $vm.NetworkProfile[0].NetworkInterfaces[0].Id
$subnetresourceid = $nic.IpConfigurations[0].Subnet.id
$split = $subnetresourceid.split("/")
$vnetresourceid = [string]::Join("/", $split[0..($split.Count - 3)])


Or you could just pick the resource group and vnet name with `$subnet.split("/")[4]` and `$subnet.split("/")[8]`.
Obviously this solution assumes a particular structure of the subnet resourceid. I wonder if there is a utility function in the Az modules package somewhere that helps with that.

@Christian Forjahn 

This seems simpler to me because I don't know how to program like you guys do.  Maybe it will help a sysadmin like myself.

$SourceVmObject = Get-AzVM -name 'HPG-DA-2'
$SourceVMNIC = $SourceVmObject.NetworkProfile.NetworkInterfaces[0].Id | Get-AzNetworkInterface
$SourceSubscriptionVnets = Get-AzVirtualNetwork
$SourceSubscriptionVnet = $SourceSubscriptionVnets | where {$_.subnets.ipconfigurations.id -eq $SourceVMNIC.IpConfigurations.id}