Access 2016 Runtime is now available for download

Former Employee

Microsoft Access 2016 provides a rich platform for developing database management solutions with easy-to-use customization tools. If no end user customization is required (including report modifications), you can choose to distribute those Access 2016 solutions so that they run without requiring a full installation of Access 2016. To do so, you must package and distribute your application with Access 2016 Runtime.


To get started visit Microsoft Access 2016 Runtime and download it today. Access 2016 Runtime is available for download in 38 languages.


Note for Office Click-to-Run (C2R) users:

As stated in the past, Office C2R and MSI of the same major version cannot be installed side by side. Currently, if you are using Office/Access 2016 C2R, we recommend that you install Access 2013 Runtime MSI if you need a side-by-side setup. The two versions are functionally equivalent, and this installation should work smoothly.

4 Replies

Is there an Access 2016 MSI (non-runtime, non-CTR) version available for download?

Hi Luke, you can get the available downloads for Access here

Thanks. No, I'm looking for an MSI version that provides supports options for installation and doesn't sandbox Office/Access so that things like ACE are installed so other programs writting in .NET can support Access databases without a separate ACE installation. We never had that problem before.