Forum Discussion
MS Word displaying page number before certain words
The page numbers are most likely in the footer area. Open the footer area by double clicking on the bottom of the page, and delete the box with the page number.
That's not your problem. Your problem is that the text overflows into the footer, I think (based on the pictures). I assume your footers are mixed up a little, but without seeing the document, not easy to say what.
You might want to fix that rather than deleting page numbering.
- Radoslav_VladimirovDec 10, 2021Copper ContributorThank you, Lenka. Unfortunately, removing the page number in the footer or the whole footer including the page number do not have any effect. I cannot even understand what kind of object that number is, being framed as something special. The concatenated string following the number is also repetitive, but it is not framed. When pasted as value, this strange sequence of page number and string is disappears, but it has replaced a word from the actual text and this word is not there anymore, which is a big issue for me. As a result, the whole document needs to be reviewed in order to remove this "randomly" generated text and then add the respectively replaced original words.
- Lenka_KerumovaDec 10, 2021Iron Contributor
Hi Radoslav_Vladimirov ,
In that case, we might need to look into the document.
Can you please take one and make it presentable? Replace random letters with other random letters so that the content is not readable/making sense?
Or, if possible, take one of those documents, at the end insert random text typing
and press <enter>. This will insert 100 paragraphs of 7 lines of random text.
Delete the sensitive content. Hopefully, this will retain the page number box but delete any sensitive data.