Forum Discussion

Tolli Lowell-Forker's avatar
Tolli Lowell-Forker
Copper Contributor
Feb 27, 2018

No cluster or volume performance in Honolulu 1802 for my 17079.1001 S2D cluster

I have a 3 node 17079.1001 S2D cluster hosting about a dozen VMs.  I manage it from 1802 honolulu, but I don't get any cluster performance (IOPS/Latency/Throughput.  Same for the volumes.


Get-StoragehealthReport returns values, so I know the cluster has the data


PS C:\Windows\system32> Get-StorageSubSystem -CimSession $ClusterName -FriendlyName "Clustered Windows Storage*" | Get-StorageHealthReport -CimSession $ClusterName
CPUUsageAverage : 0.69 %
CapacityPhysicalPooledAvailable : 5.07 TB
CapacityPhysicalPooledTotal : 27.29 TB
CapacityPhysicalTotal : 27.29 TB
CapacityPhysicalUnpooled : 0 B
CapacityVolumesAvailable : 5.56 TB
CapacityVolumesTotal : 6 TB
IOLatencyAverage : 152.02 us
IOLatencyRead : 69.73 us
IOLatencyWrite : 1.85 ms
IOPSRead : 204.82 /S
IOPSTotal : 214.75 /S
IOPSWrite : 9.93 /S
IOThroughputRead : 153.82 KB/S
IOThroughputTotal : 233.24 KB/S
IOThroughputWrite : 79.42 KB/S
MemoryAvailable : 693.86 GB
MemoryTotal : 768 GB


ExtendedStatus :
ReturnValue : 0


Cluster PerformanceVolume Performance





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