Forum Discussion
William Hall
Feb 14, 2022Copper Contributor
Windows365 Support Challenges, Refund: Any Advice?
Hello- Thank you in advance for your assistance. Been using Windows365 since the start. A very well done solution. But it appears Microsoft has now outsources support to Infogyss (or similar). The su...
William Hall
Feb 16, 2022Copper Contributor
Hello EricOrman - Just want to make sure you got my direct message (sent it the other day). Have also not heard back from MS support re: Refund. Silence all around.
William Hall
Feb 25, 2022Copper Contributor
No response from Microsoft support or from Eric. Guess the answer is, "No, Microsoft doesn't provide refunds for defective services." Good to know.
- William HallFeb 26, 2022Copper ContributorOk, finally figured why there has been so little response: Microsoft thought I was asking for $15K. Laughed out loud when I read that. Was just looking for a refund for the 1 month of service that didn't work. In the end, they didn't charge me for the month of downtime which is what I expected them to do and why I was so puzzled at this.
In the end, just a misunderstanding. Anyway.. no one is reading this anyway but wanted to make sure to be fair to MS.