Forum Discussion

Marc Mroz's avatar
Marc Mroz
Icon for Microsoft rankMicrosoft
Sep 22, 2020

Learn about the new Microsoft Stream - enhancing video across M365 built on top of SharePoint

We have some really exciting news to share about the new Microsoft Stream. Many of your requests, feedback, and suggestions have gone into this new change. We think we'll be able to move much faster to deliver the great and intelligent video experiences you need for M365. 


  • MarkTaylor's avatar
    Copper Contributor

    Marc Mroz So pleased to see this stuff happening. I've moved the non-profit I just started working for from facebook, servers and office, and data spread out all over personal machines into Teams, leading into Microsoft 365. Adoption has been good, very positive users, even though many have weak IT skills. Skills most have are posting videos/pictures into feeds of some sort in social media, so there has been a sudden drop in video's posted because it doesn't work nice in Teams. The vision you have I identify with and I cannot stress its importance for completing Teams/M365 for our organisation. It's very important to us what you see and are working towards. Valuable and exciting work you are doing, all of you.

    God speed to your work, and for it to arrive before June 🙂 

  • Norman Chin's avatar
    Norman Chin
    Copper Contributor

    Hi Marc Mroz, I just watched the Ignite video and am excited about the changes.  We've been using Office 365 Video as our video portal for companywide videos and have been planning to migrate to classic Stream (because of the impending Office 365 Video retirement in March 2021). 

    With these new announcements, should we continue planning this migration to classic Stream knowing that it sounds like there will be another migration needed later from classic Stream to new Stream?  

    • Marc Mroz's avatar
      Marc Mroz
      Icon for Microsoft rankMicrosoft

      Norman Chin 

      Norman Chin wrote:

      Hi Marc Mroz, I just watched the Ignite video and am excited about the changes.  We've been using Office 365 Video as our video portal for companywide videos and have been planning to migrate to classic Stream (because of the impending Office 365 Video retirement in March 2021). 

      With these new announcements, should we continue planning this migration to classic Stream knowing that it sounds like there will be another migration needed later from classic Stream to new Stream?  

      There will be a migration from classic Stream to new Stream coming in CY 2021. I would say that most customers will likely want to continue to migrate from O365 Video to classic Stream. However if you are okay with the feature set of videos in SharePoint or OneDrive for Business as they are right now, then you might want to make an attempt to skip classic Stream. 


      The first FAQ in this help doc discusses your options if you haven't moved from O365 Video to Stream yet:


      And this FAQ about the new Stream lists out the things you can do for videos in ODB/SPO today and what is still missing that is offered in classic Stream:


  • Marc Mroz 

    Great video presentation from ignite - just watching now. 

    Have specific questions about the Stream/Sharepoint portal templates, when they will become available and if I can create more of a constrained customized portal experience for a "group of groups" in my enterprise. I don't see the portals on the roadmap. Also, would be great to learn if it is perhaps already possible with the current Stream or I will need to wait. 

    Thanks so much.

    • marekkoenig's avatar
      Brass Contributor

      Marc Mroz 


      Great stuff, happy to see that there are some needed improvements to the platform. I'm most excited about the ability to use the API to query files and built out some deeper analytics.


      Can someone provide either a sample GET command or a snippet on how to retrieve view information for a file stored in OneDrive?

      • Marc Mroz's avatar
        Marc Mroz
        Icon for Microsoft rankMicrosoft

        marekkoenig wrote:

        Marc Mroz 


        Great stuff, happy to see that there are some needed improvements to the platform. I'm most excited about the ability to use the API to query files and built out some deeper analytics.


        Can someone provide either a sample GET command or a snippet on how to retrieve view information for a file stored in OneDrive?

        marekkoenig  - You can use the /getActivitiesByInterval API: Get item activity stats by interval - Microsoft Graph v1.0 | Microsoft Docs


        Example GET:'2020-08-26',endDateTime='2020-09-01',interval='week')

         Will return this, 50 views in this time frame from 29 unique users.

            "@odata.context": "$metadata#Collection(itemActivityStat)",
            "value": [
                    "@odata.type": "#microsoft.graph.itemActivityStat",
                    "aggregationInterval": "None",
                    "startDateTime": "2020-08-26T00:00:00Z",
                    "endDateTime": "2020-09-01T23:59:59Z",
                    "access": {
                        "actionCount": 50,
                        "actorCount": 29,
                        "timeSpentInSeconds": 0
                    "incompleteData": {
                        "wasThrottled": false,
                        "resultsPending": false,
                        "notSupported": false


  • m36five's avatar
    Steel Contributor

    Marc Mroz 


    If we run the command to store in OD/SP 

    (Set-CsTeamsMeetingPolicy -Identity Global -RecordingStorageMode "OneDriveForBusiness"), will the videos no longer show in the "Classic" Stream portal? Would we need to build our own SharePoint site portal until the New Stream portal is available?


    Thank you.


    EDIT: I got an answer on this from the Stream Product Team: These recordings, once the change is made to save to OneDrive/SharePoint, will not go to the classic Stream portal. When the New Stream Web App is released, expected Q2 2021, all OneDrive/SharePoint videos to which a user has rights will show in the app for that user. Ad hoc Teams Meetings are saved into the OneDrive of the person who started the recording (NOT the organizer, if that's a different person) and the "recorder" and the organizer have edit rights, which allows resharing.

  • At our University we are planning to use Microsoft Stream. Because we currently don't use Stream yet, we don't need the migration process. So we would like to start using the new Stream asap. When is this update available? And how do we apply for it?  for Marc Mroz 

    • Marc Mroz's avatar
      Marc Mroz
      Icon for Microsoft rankMicrosoft

      Stephan_Leistra - You can start putting videos in OneDrive and SharePoint as soon as you are ready and comfortable with the feature set. We'll be adding key capabilities on top of OneDrive and SharePoint over the next few quarters.


      You can see what's available now from videos in ODB/SPO here:


      And then you can see the upcoming features on the roadmap here:


      There isn't going to be a specific point that the "new Stream" is GA but some of the things on the roadmap might be needed depending on your use cases. 

      • Stephan_Leistra's avatar
        Brass Contributor

        Thank you for the reply Marc Mroz 


        Then I'm a bit confused because when I upload a video to OneDrive and SharePoint it's just a plain video. It plays in the browser but all the settings I have in stream, like transcriptions, are not available and the video doesn't show up in Stream.

  • Thanks for the reply.

    From the backend of SharePoint we can restrict a file download with restricted view permission levels.
    However the players on the home pages file viewer or embed either via the browser or player have a download option which we need to block. I know stream has a block download. so when the new webpart arrives that can play from SharePoint / OneDrive as long as it does the same we should be good.

  • Marc Mroz I registered for the Q&A sessions. 


    One immediate piece of feedback. 

    If you can include the no download options that would be so helpful. 


    Just a recent example, we had to provide access to training video through a SharePoint site as our usual training platform could not handle the size of the videos. 

    As all the people accessing the site would be guest users we had to download the files to the SharePoint site and play through pages. Not ideal but no other options open to us. No matter what I tried on the SharePoint side I could not get the video downloads blocked. Either from the browser save as when using the File viewer part or through any options using the embed web part. The download button was still there. Companies need to keep their IP and having a way to consume video is one things people easily downloading them and taking them elsewhere is another. 





    • Marc Mroz's avatar
      Marc Mroz
      Icon for Microsoft rankMicrosoft

      Philip Worrell - Yeah we know that block download of videos is going to be a big need and we've started thinking about it. SharePoint already supports the concept of blocking download of other file types (not videos) on the share link. We are thinking about it in this order (roughly)... 

      1. Enable block download for teams meeting recordings (when saved to ODB/SPO) share link shared in the chat 

      2. Enable any team meeting recording video file in ODB/SPO to have ability to share a link and have block download set

      3. Enable block download at other levels (tenant, site, folder, IP labels??, etc).


      We'd really love to hear your feedback on #3 in particular and what you think you'd need. 
