Forum Discussion

Americo Perez's avatar
Americo Perez
Iron Contributor
May 20, 2018

SP-PNP-JS: trying to get the value of SPS-MUILAnguages



I am using SP-PNP-js to get the properties of the user. 

I wrote a for-each that get all properties and I am interested in one of them: SPS-MUILanguages. 

When I try to get the value of that property I get this error in VS Code: 

Type 'number' is not assignable to type 'string'.
Cannot find name 'MUILanguages'

And this is how I am trying to get the value: 

document.getElementById("spUserProfileProperties").innerHTML = userProperties.SPS-MUILanguages.Value;


How can I get the language value? 


Best regards


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