Forum Discussion

Gina Bolognesi's avatar
Gina Bolognesi
Copper Contributor
Mar 09, 2017

SharePoint 2016 REST API: query filtered by ContentType

We're testing that our product properly supports SharePoint 2016, but we're having a problem with queries.
We've been using the REST API to retrieve the items from a list, filtered by type, as follows:
In other words, filtering with the query "ContentType eq 'Task'". 
This worked with the 2013 version of the server, but the 2016 sever returns a 500 error: Internal Server Error: Column 'ContentType' does not exist. It may have been deleted by another user. (-2146232832, Microsoft.SharePoint.SPException)
We found that filtering by ContentTypeId (with a query such as "ContentTypeId eq '0x0108002840D046B700484FAC17F0F83950DFD7'") achieves what we want, but were hoping for a solution closer to the original, since using ContentTypeId is hard to read.
Is there a way of filtering by content type like what we did before?
  • JaredMatfess's avatar
    Iron Contributor

    Hi Gina,


    So I think you'll need to modify your REST query just a bit.. 


    In order to get the ContentType name you'll need to select it with $select=ContentType/Name&$expand=ContentType to get at the actual name value


    Here's a working query that I have on a Library with Documents & Link to Document Content Types. I'm filtering to give me just the items that are Link to Document:


    /_api/web/lists/getbytitle('DynProdFiles')/items?$select=Title,URL,ContentType/Name&$expand=ContentType&$filter=ContentType eq 'Link to a Document'


    Good luck, let me know if that helps!



    • RadosÅ‚aw Szymczak's avatar
      Radosław Szymczak
      Copper Contributor

      Hi Jared,

      It does not work in SharePoint 2016. You get the same error - column 'ContentType' does not exists, even if you expand one.

    • Jyothi Gatupa's avatar
      Jyothi Gatupa
      Copper Contributor

      Jared, I am running into the same issue as Gina did and I tried your suggestion. It did NOT work. Adding the filter to the query breaks it in SharePoint 2016

      $filter=ContentType eq 'VideoContentType'


      Do you have any suggestions? OR please let me know if someone else encountered this?

      • Jyothi Gatupa's avatar
        Jyothi Gatupa
        Copper Contributor

        This is how my query looks like


        /_api/Web/Lists/GetByTitle('Portal%20Content%20Library')/items?$select=ContentType/Name&$expand=ContentType&$filter=ContentType eq 'VideoContentType'



  • prasad yelpula's avatar
    prasad yelpula
    Copper Contributor

    Hi Gina,


    Have you found any solution for this issue?. Because, I am also facing same issue in my SP2016 migration server.


    Kindly let me know if you have found any solution.


    Thanks in adv.

  • CamSibbald's avatar
    Copper Contributor

    This has been fixed somewhere along the line by a cumulative update.


    I noticed the issue on a SP2016 VM that had only been patched to FP2. Installing the most recent CU fixed the issue for me.

    • prasad yelpula's avatar
      prasad yelpula
      Copper Contributor

      Thanks Cameron.

      Issue has been fixed after installing CU. In MS updates blog also its mentioned.

      Ref. below link ( Improvements and fixes section)  : Improvements and fixes




