Forum Discussion
Feb 27, 2023Copper Contributor
Edit New Menu using SiteScript
Hi everybody,
I would like to edit the new menu of SPO SiteCollections/Librarys using SiteScripts/SiteDesigns in the process of site provisioning. I am deploying ContentTypes which are shown in the new menu after the site is ready. The default templates (Word-Document, Excel-Document, ...) are not shown anymore.
I was wondering if site script actions like this could solve the issue, but I couldn't work it out yet.
"verb": "addNavLink",
"displayName": "Word-Document",
"url": "{siteurl}/_layouts/15/new.aspx?DocTemplate={siteurl}/Shared%20Documents/Forms/template.docx"
Does anyone know what the URL should look like, to open a new Office document in a certain library?
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