Forum Discussion
Copy file action and Remote Event Receivers not getting a valid token
I have two site collections (let call them `src` and `dest`)
In the `dest` site collection I have a remote event receiver that triggers whenever a document is updated in the default document library (ItemAdded, ItemAdding, ItemUpdated and ItemUpdating event are tracked).
This works perfectly when I work whithin the site collection `dest`.
However, if I copy a file from `src` to `dest` using the OOB _copy to_ action, the RER fails, having in the payload this error:
Failed to get the context token for the remote event receiver url.
After some tests, I land to the conclusion this is due to the browser session creating an auth token for the site `src` to call the copy file api.
Then the RER triggers using the context token for site `src` not site `dest` and fails because of that.
How to overcome this issue ?
- Some details:
- the RER is registered using an application. It handles `AppInstalled` event to register the receivers onto the host site's document library under the RER app context.
- the code is written using an Azure Function (following s-kainet blog article)
- the error is taken from the incoming payload, in the `SPRemoteEventProperties.ErrorMessage` node
- The RER is built using the addin model (`.app` package), uploaded in the site collection's app catalog, then activated (from _add an app_ menu)
- the manifest declare this permissions request :
<AppPermissionRequests AllowAppOnlyPolicy="true">
<AppPermissionRequest Scope="http://sharepoint/content/sitecollection"
Right="FullControl" />
As I said, it's working perfectly when working within the `dest` site.
Payload of the ItemAdded event, if file copy within the same site collection :
<s:Envelope xmlns:s="">
<ProcessOneWayEvent xmlns="">
<properties xmlns:i="">
<AppEventProperties i:nil="true"/>
<ContextToken>eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLC .........</ContextToken>
<EntityInstanceEventProperties i:nil="true" />
<ErrorCode />
<ErrorMessage />
<AfterProperties xmlns:a="">
<a:Value i:type="b:int" xmlns:b="">14</a:Value>
... othter fields omitted for brievety ...
<AfterUrl>Documents partages/myfile.pdf</AfterUrl>
<BeforeProperties xmlns:a=""/>
<BeforeUrl i:nil="true"/>
<ExternalNotificationMessage i:nil="true"/>
<UserDisplayName>Steve BEAUGÉ</UserDisplayName>
<UserLoginName>i:0#.f|membership|email address removed for privacy reasons</UserLoginName>
<ListEventProperties i:nil="true"/>
<SecurityEventProperties i:nil="true"/>
<WebEventProperties i:nil="true"/>
Payload when copied from different site collections :
<s:Envelope xmlns:s="">
<ProcessOneWayEvent xmlns="">
<properties xmlns:i="">
<AppEventProperties i:nil="true"/>
<EntityInstanceEventProperties i:nil="true"/>
<ErrorMessage>Failed to get the context token for the remote event receiver url https://url/of/my/function.</ErrorMessage>
<AfterProperties xmlns:a="">
<a:Value i:type="b:int" xmlns:b="">14</a:Value>
... othter fields omitted for brievety ...
<AfterUrl>Documents partages/myfile.pdf</AfterUrl>
<BeforeProperties xmlns:a=""/>
<BeforeUrl i:nil="true"/>
<ExternalNotificationMessage i:nil="true"/>
<UserDisplayName>Compte système</UserDisplayName>
<ListEventProperties i:nil="true"/>
<SecurityEventProperties i:nil="true"/>
<WebEventProperties i:nil="true"/>
Differences :
- when same site, my actual user account is set in the `UserDisplayName` and `UserLoginName`. When different sites, its system account
- When same site, `ContextToken` is provider, no error message. When different sites, `ContextToken` is empty, but `ErrorMessage` contains the error