Forum Discussion
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May 30, 2019Iron Contributor
share "using specific people" add expiry facility
I have scenario where i want to share a file with a guess user not as a anonymous link rather a file which cannot be forwarded using specific people so that the recipient user needs a token to open f...
- May 30, 2019We don't have this feature Today in SPO and ODFB, but as announced at SharePoint Conference it's coming!
Jul 10, 2019Hi Kevin_Hoyt,
This will not apply to O365/security group membership. You can control access in similar fashion using the Azure AD Access Reviews feature.
As far as links to the announcement, the closest I can find at the moment is from our SPC 19 talk which can be viewed here. Expiration demo and announcement starts at 48:20 or so. Enjoy!
Stephen Rice
OneDrive Program Manager II
Dec 08, 2020Iron Contributor
StephenRice I don't understand why I cannot find the option 'Guest access to a site or OneDrive will expire automatically after this many days' in the Sharing of SharePoint Admin.
- StephenRiceDec 08, 2020
Hi kmktnn,
This feature is not showing up yet as it has not yet rolled out to Production customers. This should start rollout in January/February. Thanks!
Stephen Rice
Senior Program Manager, OneDrive
- Stew1234Jan 03, 2021Copper Contributor
RE: Guest access to a site or OneDrive will expire automatically after this many days”
Hi Stephen,
It is Jan 2021, is the roll out of this feature still on track, Covid and changing priorities may be impacting things at your end? I tried searching the Microsoft roll out road map for this feature, but could not find it, spoke to MS support, they could not find it either? I am the global Administrator, still cannot see the feature option at my end, any update on this.
Thanks in advance,
- StephenRiceJan 04, 2021
Hi Stew1234,
Sorry for the delay here! The team has been working through a few last minute bugs that popped up in our testing and we're working on getting this out as soon as possible. The Message Center post should still be live and we are it as changes are made.
We know this is a much-waited for feature and we're excited to get it out there as soon as we can! Thanks!Stephen Rice
Senior Program Manager, OneDrive