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New Blog Post | New Enhancements and Workload for Microsoft Exact Data Match
New Enhancements and Workload for Microsoft Exact Data Match - Microsoft Tech Community
First up and launching today, is the ability to test the EDM based SITs just like you can currently do with all other SITS (All clouds)! Being able to do a quick test to ensure you got your EDM SITs correctly setup and that your data was correctly imported can help you get going rapidly. There are a lot of moving parts in EDM: schema, data uploads, SITs / rule package, and then policy setup. Trying to troubleshoot a SIT and a DLP Policy relying on EDM SIT at the same time is difficult. This will enable you to confirm EDM is working as expected before moving to use it in your DLP or auto labeling rules, and help you keep any required troubleshooting focused by excluding what you know is working correctly.