Forum Discussion
BRK2279 - Meetup: security and compliance
direct link: - BRK2279 - Meetup: security and compliance
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Twitter: ra_koellner
ABSTRACT: The requirement of security and compliance is underrated, but these are often more important than typical technical issues. To solve negative effects, some lawfirms, Microsoft Partners and Microsoft itself created solutions around the world for general and special security and compliance issues. Travel with the speaker around the world to see Microsoft's trusted clouds. Moreover, the speaker explains the regional features of the Trusted Cloud in Germany and some special solutions in Europe.
If you/someone have some special interessts or current challenges?
1. Show you the special trusted German Cloud.
2. I will have a worldwide overview about your problems and challenges. Moreover we will make a top 5 or 10 lists of challenges and issues, which I will sent to Brad Smith.