Forum Discussion

arumoychakravarty's avatar
Copper Contributor
Dec 03, 2024

Low Code Deployment Accelerator Funding Program


We have a customer who is nominated for Biz Apps post-sales Low Code Deployment Accelerator Funding Program, requesting view of customer survey questions. Please provide customer survey questions for above program. 


Thank you!

Arumoy Chakravarty


  • Hey Arumoy, apologies for the delay. These are the questions that the Customer will be asked for the Low Code Solution Deployment Customer Survey: 

    Please provide your full name
    Please provide your job title
    Please provide your organization name
    Name of partner who delivered the engagement

    Date Partner began delivering this engagement

    Date Partner completed delivery of this engagement
    How satisfied were you with the partner's delivery of the Engagement?
    How satisfied were you with the overall engagement content?
    Did the engagement address your business needs?
    Was there anything else that would have helped you make your purchase decision?
    If you would like to provide us with any additional feedback or a testimonial about the engagement, we would greatly appreciate your input.

    If you are interested in providing additional feedback to help us improve our Partner Activities program, please share your name and email address.

    By signing this form electronically, the Customer confirms that the Partner has delivered a Microsoft Business Applications engagement. Please type or sign your Full Name.
    • arumoychakravarty's avatar
      Copper Contributor

      request a response on where I could find customer survey questions. Thank you!
