Forum Discussion

Ghada Mehrez's avatar
Ghada Mehrez
Copper Contributor
Apr 28, 2020

Change Link to Item Link into Task Name (Linked to Item)

I need to Update my Flow to refer to Task Name (linked to Item)Column instead of Link to Item (as it appear as full link) 

Note: Related to Column type is Single text.


  • Sandy Ussia's avatar
    Sandy Ussia
    May 06, 2020

    Hi Ghada Mehrez 

    It looks like you have a small but important typo... it should be href rather than herf. The rest of the expression looks right to me.

    Does that help?

  • Hi Ghada Mehrez 


    If the "Related To" column is Multi-line text (Rich Text) rather than a Hyperlink or single-line text column, then you can include HTML tags to create a link like I think you want. 

    For example, the input in the Update Item action in the attached screenshot will give you a link in the Related To column in List A, which displays just the name of the task as a hyperlink.

    (Sorry, I couldn't get the image to upload within this answer, so I had to attach it.)

    Does this work for you...?



    • Ghada Mehrez's avatar
      Ghada Mehrez
      Copper Contributor

      Sandy Ussia Thanks a lot sandy for your support.

      I followed the steps I got the link in the related to column but the link not works when I click it is not direct me to the Item.


      • Sandy Ussia's avatar
        Sandy Ussia

        Hi Ghada Mehrez 

        Can you please post a copy of the html code you've entered in the "Related to Action Plan" field in your flow action? 

        When you click on it, does it error, or not go anywhere, or go to somewhere else?



