Forum Discussion
Aug 15, 2021Copper Contributor
Emails not sending due to “possible spam” within
Hello, I have had two emails sent back to me for having possible spam. Both emails are responses to a support ticket I have regarding being hacked. So I already know I have problems. But this is new. ...
Aug 18, 2021That is, everything is already in order, are there still problems?
Aug 18, 2021Copper Contributor
Well no because I still have the original problem. I cannot reply to my support email thread at all because it says there is spam included.
- DeletedAug 18, 2021Have you received a postmaster from Microsoft?
- omgpleasehelpAug 18, 2021Copper ContributorHmm I think so. I get it back from “Microsoft Outlook” with the message “Delivery has failed to these recipients . . . “ where the email thread is shown as a file to open or download and it shows a ton of info for the administrator.
- DeletedAug 18, 2021
There will be a need for help from IT - it's all about regaining your reputation as a mail sender!