Forum Discussion
New OneDrive & SharePoint Feature: Fixing Unhealthy Sharing Links
Hi Stephen,
I am working with the SP REST api to programmatically remove individual users from a secure link.
I have noticed some odd behaviour when multiple API calls are made in parallel, each trying to remove access for a different user against the same SecureLink.
Sometimes this results in a SecureLink turning "unhealthy", showing the red "broken link" warning text in the UI.
I am also intermittently (but regularly) seeing scenarios where I am trying to remove user A and B, and even though each request results in a HTTP 200 response (with no error in the response body), it appears as if the removal of user B reinstates user A against the link. Note that this only happens if the API calls are made in parallel. If the same API calls are made in sequence then everything works as expected. To me this suggests there is some sort of concurrency issue on the server side.
I am only using the /ListItemAllFields/SecureLink endpoint, using the inviteesToRemove bit in the JSON payload to indicate which user to remove. I am not using any API endpoints that directly manipulate the underlying ACLs.
I also think this issue could arise if multiple end users are modifying the same secure link through the browser and they happen to submit their changes at the same time, given that this operation uses the same API endpoints.
Let me know if you need me to provide more info or some code to reproduce this issue.
This sounds like exactly what I too am looking for. However I cannot find anywhere that the inviteesToRemove syntax is explained. What call are you using for that?