Forum Discussion
Notepad++ 8.5.7 and "ExplorerCommandHandler" used to register the Context Menu
With the traditional shell entry the icon still doesn't appear in the context menu when published with App-v.
So finally I solved it by disabling the context menu entry option during installation of the new Notepad++ version. Afterwards I copied the NppShell_06.dll from a previous version into the program directory of the new version and also used the shellex and CLSID entry of the previous version.
The "Edit with Notepad++" command and the icon appears now in the context menu when published with App-V.
Not really a nice solution I know, but it works so far.
kind regards
This does the trick... - I tested it due to an update to Version 8.6.1
The Registry Class has to be isolated in the AppV-package
In the AppxManifest.xml assure to not have that
<appv:Extension Category="AppV.COM">
Then you register the component by deployment (machine) script
$myPackAppVPackageDir - this is a variable inside my deployment Script that resolves to its current location
regsvr32 /s "[$myPackAppVPackageDir]\Root\VFS\ProgramFilesX64\Notepad++\contextMenu\NppShell.dll"
for uninstall:
regsvr32 /u /s "[$myPackAppVPackageDir]\Root\VFS\ProgramFilesX64\Notepad++\contextMenu\NppShell.dll"
Kind Regards