Teams Graph Chat - lastUpdatedDateTime doesnt change
Hi there,
I get the list of the chats via me/chats/. The thing is, even after having conversations with teams, the lastUpdatedDateTime always remains the same. I need to make further GET calls to chats/{id}/messages (and then POST too), but only for recent chats (not all the chats as it may get bulky over time). I was planning to do this via recent lastUpdatedDateTime, but that never changes for some reason. So currently I have to loop each chat (fetched from me/chats/) -> get the ID for each chat -> call chats/{id}/messages for each ID, get createdDateTime for each message and based on that createdDateTime of message (inside the chat object), I get to know if this chat is recent one or not (and if I should proceed with further logic or not). Shouldn't it just update on the parent lastUpdatedDateTime?
Also if you can suggest a better way it will be hugely appreciated. All I am trying to do is find out all the recent chats received by a particular user (lets say within the last 30 seconds) and echo it back. I am able to get/post but can't seem to find a faster way around finding recent chats (since my way may be problematic if we scale it with more users).