Forum Discussion
My webcam freezes on other participants end
SkywalkerIsNull I would find yourself under Users ... Meetings and Calls then identify a call where you had the stuttering. Look at the advanced tab and see the network stats for your outgoing video.
QoS would seem suspicious as it would appear to only be effecting video traffic, the only differences really between audio and video are destination port and QoS tags.
Morning StevenC365
I re-routed the cables slightly this morning and my PC's NIC was directly attached to the NTD (NBN Network Termination Device aka. Internet port) so in effect there was no routers, or switches between the PC and the internet connection. After doing this, and testing, the video was transmitted fine, I then added back in the router, tested again, it was also fine, then added back in the main switch next to the router, also fine, then I added back in my switch in my office, also fine.
Strange as none of the networking equipment was rebooted, just the Cat6 was unplugged, and plugged into a different port. I have a few meetings on it today and will ask the participants if it is fine on their end.
Looking at the reports for the video I recorded over the weekend, it is showing 100% packet loss.... That doesn't seem right, the audio was coming through. I will have to spend more time looking through the reports, and docs to understand what they are telling me.