Forum Discussion
Oct 17, 2019Copper Contributor
Parsing syslog
1. i am ingesting firewall logs as syslog and trying to parse out the fields accordingly using the split command, i have a problem that the beginig of the logs is not piped and i have made the split in 2 occasions.
as you can see in the attached pic the FWD|UDP|p4| fields are nit parsed out.
this is the _raw syslog message:
Security F180 Block: FWD|UDP|p4|192.168.x,x|67|00:15:5d:0f:c4:01||68|bootpc||LAN-2-INTERNET|4017|||0|1|
2. can you show me the same using normal regex i cant see in MSFT doc how to do it the old way 🙂
3. should i do the parsing on search time of the query? doesnt it increase the search time?
- Roger_Fleming
you could use the extract method here is an example
let LogHeader = meraki_CL
| extend Parser = extract_all(@"(\d+.\d+)\s([\w\-\_]+)\s([\w\-\_]+)\s([\S\s]+)$",dynamic([1,2,3,4]),Message)
| mv-expand Parser
| extend Epoch = tostring(Parser[0]),
DeviceName = tostring(Parser[1]),
LogType = tostring(Parser[2]),
Substring = tostring(Parser[3])
| extend EpochTimestamp = split(Epoch,".")
| extend EventTimestamp = unixtime_seconds_todatetime(tolong(EpochTimestamp[0]))
| project-away EpochTimestamp, Parser,Message;
let UrlEvents = LogHeader
| where LogType == "urls"
| extend SrcIpAddr = extract(@"src=([0-9\.]+)\:",1,Substring),
SrcPortNumber = toint(extract(@"src=([0-9\.]+)\:(\d+)\s",2,Substring)),
DstIpAddr = extract(@"dst=([0-9\.]+)\:",1,Substring),
DstPortNumber = toint(extract(@"dst=([0-9\.]+)\:(\d+)\s",2,Substring)),
HttpRequestMethod = extract(@"request: (\w+)\s",1,Substring),
Url = extract(@"request: (\w+)\s(\S+)",2,Substring)
| project-away Substring; - Roger_Fleming
Parse Examples and you can extend and create new columns
- CliveWatson
Options like:
print SyslogMessage = "Security F180 Block: FWD|UDP|p4|192.168.x,x|67|00:15:5d:0f:c4:01||68|bootpc||LAN-2-INTERNET|4017|||0|1|" | project SyslogMessage | extend device = extract("Security (.*?)Block:", 1, SyslogMessage) | extend deviceaction = extract("USER=(.*?)COMMAND", 1, SyslogMessage)
print SyslogMessage = "Security F180 Block: FWD|UDP|p4|192.168.x,x|67|00:15:5d:0f:c4:01||68|bootpc||LAN-2-INTERNET|4017|||0|1|" | extend p = split(SyslogMessage, "|") //| extend cleanp = trim(@"[^\w]+",tostring(p)) | extend pos1 = split(p.[0], " ") | extend FWactivity = trim(@"[^\w]+",tostring(pos1.[0])) | extend Device = trim(@"[^\w]+",tostring(pos1.[1])) | extend DeviceAction = trim(@"[^\w]+",tostring(pos1.[2])) | extend srcMAC = trim(@"[^\w]+",tostring(p.[5])) | extend DestPort = trim(@"[^\w]+",tostring(p.[4])) // etc... | project-away SyslogMessage , p, pos1
KQL is good at doing parsing like this at execution time.
- omripCopper Contributor
CliveWatson that is very helpful, tnx
when ingesting the logs to the syslog instead of CEF connector i am very limited due to the small amount of fileds that exists on the syslog table in comparison with the CEF
how can i overcome it?
- CliveWatson
CommonSecurityLog | getschema | summarize count(ColumnName) Syslog | getschema | summarize count(ColumnName)
I make the difference 152 vs 15 columns of data, are there certain columns you are missing in Syslog? Is the data you require in the Syslog but needs extracting / parsing which is I believe one of the things CEF does for you? BTW, I'm no expert on CEF or Syslog, but keen to understand your use case.