Forum Discussion

bharats's avatar
Copper Contributor
Nov 15, 2022

XP mismatch between Training and Profile or Settings screens


Earlier tonight, I merged two of my profiles on Microsoft Learn, which seemed go smoothly.



Following the merge, when I am on a Profile or Settings screen, the points counter in top right corner shows me at Level 10 with 118,850/155,899 XP, which is correct.


XP counter while on a Profile or Settings screen


However, when on a Training screen (i.e., while going through any module or learning path), the points counter in top right corner shows me at Level 10 with 12,550/49599 XP, which is not only incorrect, but lower than either of my Learn accounts pre-merge.


XP counter while on a Training screen


I have tried signing in using an InPrivate Window as well as signing into a different browser altogether. In both cases, there is still the same mismatch between the XP on a Profile or Settings screen vs any Training screen.


I tried searching online to see if anyone else had this issue but couldn't find any matches. I also tried seeing if I could log a support ticket for Microsoft Learn but apparently this does not exist.


Can someone please help me with resolving this issue?

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