Forum Discussion

kmoini's avatar
Copper Contributor
Feb 02, 2019

Microsoft Bookings - Appointment Reminder

In Microsoft Bookings app, under Services and then under Reminders and Confirmations.... a few questions:
1- Can we customize the reminder emails to include pictures and videos?
2- Can we set to send an email right away after the appointment is booked to thanks them for booking and... it seems like all the reminder dates are linked to the appointment date (1 day before, 2 hrs before,...) and not the date and time when the booking is done
3- there are a some preset reminder times( 1 week,1 day,2 hrs,..) can we customize this as I'm looking for 3 or 4 hrs before the appointment
4- can we add Merge Fields ,like the name of the person who booked the appointment and the date and time of the appointment?
  • kmorlan's avatar
    Copper Contributor

    kmoini those are GREAT suggestions! I would be happy to see all of those items added. 

  • meeshstarks's avatar
    Copper Contributor

    kmoini Great questions- I would like to know this too. I have found Bookings to be quite lacking in customization.  
