Forum Discussion
Custom Fields in Microsoft Bookings
- Oct 13, 2020
You will need to extract custom fields values using graph. You will need to filter with the following (use the exact same values). Then the returned value will need to be Base64 Decoded. I'm using this with Power Automate that start whenever a new event created (Outlook new event), extract the info and put into a SharePoint list.[BookingMailboxAddress]/events/[event Id]?$expand=singleValueExtendedProperties($filter%3Did eq 'Binary {ccb88e73-951a-4b10-bb49-e6628b8d8494} Name BookingItemAnsweredCustomQuestions')
We have bookings that return the standard fields using:[BookingMailboxAddress]/events/[event Id]
Within the body content of the returned data I can see there's custom fields e.g.
Custom Fields<br>
Question 1- ...<br>
Answer- ...<br>
Question 2- ...<br>
Answer- ...<br>
However, when I extend the call with the Extended Properties it doesn't return the additional fields:[BookingMailboxAddress]/events/[event Id]?$expand=singleValueExtendedProperties($filter%3Did eq 'Binary {ccb88e73-951a-4b10-bb49-e6628b8d8494} Name BookingItemAnsweredCustomQuestions')
I'm simply copying and pasting and replacing the mailbox and event ID so struggling to see what I'm missing. Do you have any suggestions?
Thanks very much!
jbailiss ,
Sorry for late reply,
When calling the API, what is the JSON response? You should find something like this is the response.