Forum Discussion

julioalvarez's avatar
Copper Contributor
Oct 17, 2019

Bookings: Possible to disable confirmation emails to client?

Hi There,


Is there a way to disable confirmation emails to the client? Aside from disabling meeting requests....



  • citygator's avatar
    Copper Contributor



    Not sure if this will still help, but in the "EDIT SERVICE" section - when you create a service, select "NOTIFICATIONS" - in there, there is a place to deselect sending a notification to clients. "NOTIFY THE BUSINESS VIA EMAIL WHEN BOOKING IS CREATED OR CHANGED" 

    Deselect this while you are testing everything. Once you're ready to go live, re-select this.


  • julioalvarez 



    I realize your question is almost a year old and you probably have a solution already, but I wanted to share that what I did to accomplish this was to stop collecting the client's email address on the self-service bookings page, that way the system doesn't know where to send the confirmation email, and thus doesn't send one. If you still need to collect email addresses, you can add a custom field to collect that information.

      • PatrickVienneauSNB's avatar
        Copper Contributor

        oliber1535  for each service you can customize the fields that appear on the Booking page. if you open the service, scroll down to Custom Fields and click the Modify button


        A pane opens up where you can modify the collected fields. Here, just click on the Customer Email box to unselect it, and Bookings will no longer collect client email addresses, and will therefore no longer send email confirmations to clients (since it doesn't know where to send them).


        If you still need to collect email addresses, add a custom field by clicking the +Add a question button at the top


        Then add in an email address field. Make sure to click it so that it is enabled (and appearing in the Custom fields display order area)









    • julioalvarez's avatar
      Copper Contributor

      stevenam Is there a way to disable it across the board? Our team is looking performing some tests but we want to avoid any/all confirmation emails.

      • stevenam's avatar
        Brass Contributor
        What do you mean by across the board? By my knowledge there is no way to disable all e-mail by default.
        I am not sure if you can block e-mail send when an employee is added to a booking.
        Adding employees will trigger an e-mail with instructions, which cannot be disabled. Maybe on exchange level you could possibly block them?
