Forum Discussion

elisabeth3's avatar
Copper Contributor
Feb 05, 2025

Automatically remove outlook calendar item from a client's calendar when they cancel their booking

My bookings page is for internal use by staff to register for workshops. These workshops have singular dates and times set with a limited amount of seats. I have the service set up so that it issues a calendar item directly to the attendee's outlook for the session they have booked.


If someone is no longer available to attend, we have instructed them to cancel their booking via the reschedule link in order for the spot to be open to someone else. Getting staff to do this is no issue - though the calendar item that was sent originally, still remains in their outlook. This creates confusion on whether their booking is actually cancelled or not. Similarly, if someone forgets that they canceled and later sees that the event is in their calendar, they may still attend thinking that they have a spot when they don't, and it has now been booked by someone else and the event is at capacity. 


Is there a way to have this calendar item cancelled from their outlook? Even if there is an integration that can be done, thank you, 

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