Forum Discussion
Mar 23, 2017
What happens if a guest user acess to a Group using his/her personal account vs professional one?
Interesting behavior I have found Today at my corporate tenant: I created a new Group in tenant and invite some external users to the of the external users invited reported that he was a...
Salvatore Biscari
Mar 23, 2017Silver Contributor
Are you sure that RequireAcceptingAccountMatchInvitedAccount is not actually valid also for Groups external members?
David Rosenthal
Mar 23, 2017Microsoft
I don't actually know to be honest. My guess based on other behavior I see around Office 365 Groups is that it will apply to the Modern Team Site that comes with the Group, but not other parts like Guest Access in the Group itself.
- Salvatore BiscariMar 24, 2017Silver Contributor
I don't actually know too, but I would expect it to work...
Sahil Arora can shed some light, hopefully.