Forum Discussion
Microsoft Bookings Integration with MS Teams
- May 18, 2020
Seth_Marsh - just replied to you privately, the only difference between your configuration and mine is this checkbox on the services page. Try unchecking it and see if you get down to a single email for recipient.
I could not reproduce the issue you are describing in my tenant.
I use Bookings with Teams regularly, and the guest recipient received a single email containing the Teams invite.
Make sure you uncheck the box "notify the business via email when the booking is created or changed" since that can generate a redundant 2nd email.
Joe Stocker thank you for the information... I tried your suggestion and it still sends 2 emails...the second email is the one that contains the Teams meeting link.... I guess I will need to find a way to alert persons to wait for second email to accept that one....... Just wish this all came through in one email.....
Thanks again for the help...still seems like this should work more efficiently
- Joe StockerMay 18, 2020Bronze ContributorI think it still can, sense I am not able to reproduce the behavior of the 2 emails in my tenant. So I think there is still hope of getting it down to a single email. In my tenant the recipient receives a single email with the Teams link. Perhaps you can upload screen shots of your Bookings configuration and we can compare how yours is different than mine? If you prefer to keep the screen shots private, send to me over direct message (DM).
-Joe- Seth_MarshMay 18, 2020Copper Contributor
Thank sI just sent a private message to you!
- Joe StockerMay 18, 2020Bronze Contributor
Seth_Marsh - just replied to you privately, the only difference between your configuration and mine is this checkbox on the services page. Try unchecking it and see if you get down to a single email for recipient.