Forum Discussion

MattCasey's avatar
Copper Contributor
Apr 08, 2019

Graph API Drive search returns results containing all items in the drive

I'm using v1.0 API /search to find files within our drive using an app-only token using requests similar to;


Since 2019-04-03T18:36Z these requests are getting responses that appear to contain the entire drive full of DriveItems, files, folders, images or whatever with no relation to the search term and with an endless series of @odata.nextLink to the next page of useless results.


The same erroneous responses can been seen when making the same requests using the Graph Explorer logged in as an individual user rather than via an app-only token.


This looks to be a bug with the indexing engine.


A simple example of a good request prior to the problem starting.

GET : drives/[[REDACTED]]/root/search(q='testfile.txt')
Content-Type = application/json; charset=utf-8
Authorization = REDACTED

RESPONSE 200 : 483ms
Cache-Control = private
request-id = a4140979-8c86-41f8-b197-a1b02feb74bf
Status_Code = 200
Http_Version = HTTP/1.1
Explanation = OK
Strict-Transport-Security = max-age=31536000
Connection = close
Transfer-Encoding = chunked
Date = Wed, 03 Apr 2019 16:44:13 GMT
Content-Type = application/json;odata.metadata=minimal;odata.streaming=true;IEEE754Compatible=false;charset=utf-8
Vary = Accept-Encoding
OData-Version = 4.0
x-ms-ags-diagnostic = {"ServerInfo":{"DataCenter":"UK South","Slice":"SliceC","Ring":"4","ScaleUnit":"000","RoleInstance":"AGSFE_IN_1","ADSiteName":"UKS"}}
client-request-id = a4140979-8c86-41f8-b197-a1b02feb74bf
Duration = 411.1817

And here's a sample of what the same request returns now. As you can see the results are nonsense

GET : drives/[[REDACTED]]/root/search(q='testfile.txt')
Content-Type = application/json; charset=utf-8
Authorization = REDACTED

RESPONSE 200 : 671ms
Cache-Control = private
request-id = 96015ad0-3a5b-46aa-80f4-f6d6d2c903ea
Status_Code = 200
Http_Version = HTTP/1.1
Explanation = OK
Strict-Transport-Security = max-age=31536000
Connection = close
Transfer-Encoding = chunked
Date = Thu, 04 Apr 2019 08:30:11 GMT
Content-Type = application/json;odata.metadata=minimal;odata.streaming=true;IEEE754Compatible=false;charset=utf-8
Vary = Accept-Encoding
OData-Version = 4.0
x-ms-ags-diagnostic = {"ServerInfo":{"DataCenter":"UK South","Slice":"SliceC","Ring":"5","ScaleUnit":"002","RoleInstance":"AGSFE_IN_1","ADSiteName":"UKS"}}
client-request-id = 96015ad0-3a5b-46aa-80f4-f6d6d2c903ea
Duration = 631.8379
      "name":"Sample file"
      "name":"Business Contacts"
      "name":"Calendar 2019.pdf",
      "name":"Quick Start Guide.pdf",
      "name":"Office 1"
      "name":"Meeting Minutes"
      "name":"General Documentation"
      "name":"Video demos"
      "name":"Update September 2018.pdf",
      "name":"Office 2"
      "name":"Office 3"
      "name":"Office 4"
      "name":"Office 5"
      "name":"Office 6"
      "name":"Meeting Minutes.pdf",
      "name":"Release Notes for Users"

    And so on ...


