Forum Discussion

Marco_CV's avatar
Copper Contributor
Nov 06, 2024

Text wrapping in a cel with formula


I'm new on this community so please don't offend if I approach my problem in an incorrect way.
I've been looking in previous threads to find an answer, but can't seem to find it.

I have an Office365 Excel sheet with separated collums like Company, Contactperson, Address, City and Country.
I want to combine data from the different collums in 1 cell, for instance with the following formula:
="Company: " &A1 &", Contact: " &B1 &", Address: " &C1 &", City: "&D1 &", Country: " &E1

This results in the following information:
Company: CompanyName Ltd., Contact mr. John Smith, 32 Church Lane, Amsterdam, THE NETHERLANDS

So far so good, but I want the result lines in the cell to be wrapped so every line is underneath eachother, like this:
Company: CompanyName Ltd.
Contact: mr. John Smith
Address: 32 Church Lane
City: Amsterdam

As far as I have seen, a break line in an Excelcell can be done by using CHAR(10)
So, I thought to set the cell on "Wrap text" and use the following formula:
="Company: " &A1 &CHAR(10) &"Contact: " &B1 &CHAR(10) &"Address: " &C1 &CHAR(10) &"City: " &D1 &CHAR(10) &"Country: " &E1

However, this formula is not accepted and results in #NAME?

Does anyone have an idea what I'm doing wrong and how to get the result I'm looking for?

  • The formula works in the English language version of Excel. Do you use a different language? If so, you should use the local version of CHAR. For example, in German it is ZEICHEN, in Dutch TEKEN, and in French CAR.

  • Marco_CV's avatar
    Copper Contributor

    Problem solved... it has to do with the language settings.
    My software is set in Dutch so I need to use the Dutch command TEKEN(10) instead of the English version CHAR(10).

  • Marco_CV's avatar
    Copper Contributor

    The information in the cell works just fine now as it should.

    Now I need to print the cell with multi-line information on a DYMO LabelWriter 400.
    There is a special Dymo plugin available for Excel that I have installed.

    However, when sending the the printjob, every line from the Excell cell is splitted into a separate label, problably because of the TEKEN(10) hard enter after every line.
    Is there a way to solve this by telling Excel that it needs to be printed as 1 complete textblock?

    • I don't know. Does the Dymo plugin have settings that might affect this?

    • PeterBartholomew1's avatar
      Silver Contributor

      If your Dymo app is picking up the Line feeds, then an alternative might be to pad each line to the same (maximum allowable) length using

      = CONCAT(LEFT(header & ": " & Address & REPT(" ", 32), 32))
      where header
      = {"Company","Contact","Address","City   ","Country"}

      It is such a basic requirement, though, that the app must accept some combination of <LF>, <CR> and <FF> as control characters.

      • Marco_CV's avatar
        Copper Contributor

        Hello Peter,

        Thank you for your feedback, I will go and try this as well!

        KR Marco

  • Marco_CV's avatar
    Copper Contributor

    Helaas niet... vandaar dat ik me afvroeg of het wellicht binnen Excel te regelen viel.
    Anders is het een kwestie van de cel kopiƫren en in een bijvoorbeeld kladblok plakken, dan is het gewoon omgezet naar platte tekst en gaat het wel goed op de labelprinter.