Forum Discussion
Mar 21, 2024Copper Contributor
My formula is broken, not sure house to fix
Here is my formula =IFS(D22-D18>D18,{" "},D22-D18<D18,{"0"},D22-D18=D17,{"5000000"}) It is broken at the first part, I need it to come to a number that is between $3M and $5M, how do I get a number...
Mar 21, 2024Copper Contributor
I am attempting to make a figure out how to write a formal to determine if the paid loss is below retention, for a zero to enter, if not what is the difference between paid loss, retention and limit, and if the loss is higher then the limit to have the limit entered.
Does that makes sense?
Does that makes sense?
Mar 21, 2024Silver Contributor
This tries to follow your written criteria as I followed them
= IFS(
paidLoss-retention < 0, 0,
paidLoss-retention > limit, limit,
TRUE, paidLoss-retention
If that is correct, an alternative formula might be
= MEDIAN(0, limit, paidLoss- retention)
[p.s. I hope that the use of names makes the formula more meaningful written here, evenif you doen't use them in your workbooks]