Forum Discussion
May 23, 2024Copper Contributor
Help with convertions/formula
Hi. I have a data source that gives me data formatted as: "19 min 3 sec". The cell is "standard". Is it possible to somehow convert this to only numbers, or minutes and seconds without the text? I a...
- May 23, 2024
In the former formula is the time is in decimal.
here a formula in hh:mm:sec
=TID(0; VENSTRE(A1; FINN(" min"; A1) - 1); DELTEKST(A1; FINN(" min"; A1) + 5; FINN(" sec"; A1) - FINN(" min"; A1) - 5))You just need to format the cell(s) accordingly (select cell or range of cells > right mouse button > format cells... > custom > type: hh:mm:ss).
May 23, 2024Copper Contributor
Hi Martin. For some reason i only get "Value" as end result. This is the Norwegian version that i use: =TEKST(TID(0;TEKST(F2;"m");DELTEKST(F2;FINN("n";F2)+1;3));"T:MM:SS")
May 23, 2024Iron Contributor
Hi! Please note the blank spaces in my formulation. I believe you are writing "m" and "n", whereas in my formulation I also include blank spaces there. Have you tried to copy and paste it only changing the names to norwegian?