Forum Discussion

Akwangdiing's avatar
Copper Contributor
Nov 07, 2024

Excel VBA

good morning guys , my name is Logan.

I am new to this community and also new to the whole excel VBA thing.

I need your help in a project I am working on which is basically spreadsheet with 2 tabs (Database and Reports).


 what I want is automation of the process report capturing from the Database sheet  within the specified Dates when "generate report button" is pressed.

like for example: 

if the diagnosis is malaria , designation is GPOC ,age group is above 5 years and type of visit is a new visit  then update the circled cell by adding 1. 

this goes for the rest on the listed diagnosis.

 and thanks in advance.

  • You don't really need VBA for that - you can use formulas. For example in B2 (the indicated cell):

    =COUNTIFS(Database!$D$2:$D$1000, ">5years", Database!$E$2:$E$1000, "Male", Database!$F$2:$F$1000, "GPOC", Database!$I$2:$I$1000, "New Visit", Database!$J$2:$J$1000, $A2)

    Similar formulas in C2, D2 etc.

    Then fill down.

    In the Total row:

    =COUNTIFS(Database!$D$2:$D$1000, ">5years", Database!$E$2:$E$1000, "Male", Database!$F$2:$F$1000, "GPOC", Database!$I$2:$I$1000, "New Visit")

  • Like  HansVogelaar, I would observe that this is a completely standard Excel problem, one might say what spreadsheets were designed for.

          Database[Date],       ">=" & startDate,
          Database[Date],       "<=" & endDate,
          Database[Diagnosis],         reportDiagnosis,
          Database[Designation],       reportDesignation,
          Database[Age Group],  "=" &  reportAgeGroup,
          Database[Gender],            reportGender,
          Database[Type of Visit],     reportVisitType

    This could be set to update with F9 or be completely automatic.  Of course, if you have reason for preferring VBA, that is entirely your choice


  • Akwangdiing's avatar
    Copper Contributor

    Thank you HansVogelaar ,

    I have applied the same formula with some modifications but its does not capture any information from database .Its only showing 0 on the cells 

    • HansVogelaar's avatar

      Could you attach a small sample workbook demonstrating the problem (without sensitive data), or if that is not possible, make it available through OneDrive, Google Drive, Dropbox or similar?

      • Akwangdiing's avatar
        Copper Contributor

        please find the attached, its the report format with the database table 


    • 5playru's avatar
      Copper Contributor

      All the discussion is very helpfull and I have saved all the formulas to apply in my practicle life thanks for sharing your knowledge. tiktok18

  • Mks_1973's avatar
    Iron Contributor

    If you need the solution to be fully automated without manual intervention, then VBA is the most flexible option. However, if you’re ok with some manual setup, a Pivot Table or COUNTIFS formulas could work just as well, please try this coding solution:

    Insert a new module and paste the following code:


    Sub GenerateReport()
        Dim wsDatabase As Worksheet, wsReport As Worksheet
        Dim lastRow As Long, i As Long
        Dim startDate As Date, endDate As Date
        Dim diagnosis As String, designation As String
        Dim ageGroup As String, visitType As String
        Dim cellToUpdate As Range
        ' Define the sheets
        Set wsDatabase = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Database")
        Set wsReport = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Reports")
        ' Set start and end date from "Reports" sheet (e.g., cells B2 and C2)
        startDate = wsReport.Range("B2").Value
        endDate = wsReport.Range("C2").Value
        ' Find the last row of data in the "Database" sheet
        lastRow = wsDatabase.Cells(wsDatabase.Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
        ' Loop through each row in the "Database" sheet
        For i = 2 To lastRow ' Assuming row 1 has headers
            ' Check if the date is within the specified range
            If wsDatabase.Cells(i, 2).Value >= startDate And wsDatabase.Cells(i, 2).Value <= endDate Then
                ' Get the criteria values
                diagnosis = wsDatabase.Cells(i, 10).Value ' Adjust column number for Diagnosis
                designation = wsDatabase.Cells(i, 6).Value ' Adjust column number for Designation
                ageGroup = wsDatabase.Cells(i, 4).Value ' Adjust column number for Age Group
                visitType = wsDatabase.Cells(i, 8).Value ' Adjust column number for Visit Type
                ' Find the cell in the "Reports" sheet to update based on criteria
                Set cellToUpdate = FindReportCell(wsReport, diagnosis, designation, ageGroup, visitType)
                ' If cell is found, add 1 to it
                If Not cellToUpdate Is Nothing Then
                    cellToUpdate.Value = cellToUpdate.Value + 1
                End If
            End If
        Next i
        MsgBox "Report generated successfully!", vbInformation
    End Sub

    Function FindReportCell(ws As Worksheet, diagnosis As String, designation As String, ageGroup As String, visitType As String) As Range
        Dim row As Long, col As Long
        ' Find row based on Diagnosis in "Reports" sheet
        Select Case diagnosis
            Case "Malaria": row = 5
            Case "URTI/URTI": row = 6
            ' Add cases for other diagnoses here
            ' ...
        End Select
        ' Find column based on Designation, Age Group, and Visit Type
        Select Case designation
            Case "GPOC"
                If ageGroup = ">5 years" Then
                    If visitType = "New Visit" Then col = 3
                    If visitType = "Re-Visit" Then col = 4
                End If
            Case "Non-GPOC"
                If ageGroup = "<5 years" Then
                    If visitType = "New Visit" Then col = 5
                    If visitType = "Re-Visit" Then col = 6
                End If
                ' Add more cases as needed for other categories
                ' ...
        End Select
        ' Return the cell reference
        If row > 0 And col > 0 Then
            Set FindReportCell = ws.Cells(row, col)
            Set FindReportCell = Nothing
        End If
    End Function


    After pasting the code, close the VBA editor.
    In the "Reports" sheet, set the start and end dates in cells B2 and C2, respectively.
    Press Alt + F8 in Excel, select GenerateReport, and click "Run."

    • Akwangdiing's avatar
      Copper Contributor

      much thanks for the effort ,but you forgot to add gender as criteria 

      i have modified it but its giving this error " End Select without select case"


      Sub GenerateReport()
          Dim wsDatabase As Worksheet, wsReport As Worksheet
          Dim lastRow As Long, i As Long
          Dim startDate As Date, endDate As Date
          Dim diagnosis As String, designation As String
          Dim ageGroup As String, visitType As String
          Dim Gender As String
          Dim cellToUpdate As Range
          ' Define the sheets
          Set wsDatabase = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Database")
          Set wsReport = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Reports")
          ' Set start and end date from "Reports" sheet (e.g., cells B2 and C2)
          startDate = wsReport.Range("R4").Value
          endDate = wsReport.Range("T4").Value
          ' Find the last row of data in the "Database" sheet
          lastRow = wsDatabase.Cells(wsDatabase.Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).row
          ' Loop through each row in the "Database" sheet
          For i = 7 To lastRow ' Assuming row 1 has headers
              ' Check if the date is within the specified range
              If wsDatabase.Cells(i, 2).Value >= startDate And wsDatabase.Cells(i, 2).Value <= endDate Then
                  ' Get the criteria values
                  diagnosis = wsDatabase.Cells(i, 16).Value ' Adjust column number for Diagnosis
                  Gender = wsDatabase.Cells(i, 5).Value ' Adjust column number for Designation
                  designation = wsDatabase.Cells(i, 6).Value ' Adjust column number for Designation
                  ageGroup = wsDatabase.Cells(i, 4).Value ' Adjust column number for Age Group
                  visitType = wsDatabase.Cells(i, 11).Value ' Adjust column number for Visit Type
                  ' Find the cell in the "Reports" sheet to update based on criteria
                  Set cellToUpdate = FindReportCell(wsReport, diagnosis, Gender, designation, ageGroup, visitType)
                  ' If cell is found, add 1 to it
                  If Not cellToUpdate Is Nothing Then
                      cellToUpdate.Value = cellToUpdate.Value + 1
                  End If
              End If
          Next i
          MsgBox "Report generated successfully!", vbInformation
      End Sub

      Function FindReportCell(ws As Worksheet, Gender As String, diagnosis As String, designation As String, ageGroup As String, visitType As String) As Range
          Dim row As Long, col As Long
          ' Find row based on Diagnosis in "Reports" sheet
          Select Case diagnosis
              Case "Malaria": row = 7
              Case "URTI/URTI": row = 8
              Case "Typhoid Fever": row = 9
              Case "AWD": row = 10
              Case "Dysentery": row = 11
              Case "Skin disease": row = 12
              Case "Eye disease": row = 13
              Case "STDs": row = 14
              Case "UTI": row = 15
              Case "Tuberculosis (suspected)": row = 16
              Case "Cholera": row = 17
              Case "Meningitis (suspected)": row = 18
              Case "Suspect COVID-19": row = 19
              Case "Asthma": row = 20
              Case "PUD": row = 21
              Case "Arthritis": row = 22
              Case "Hypertension": row = 23
              Case "Diabetes ": row = 24
              Case "Injuries and Trauma": row = 25
              Case "Burn": row = 26
              Case "CO Poisoning ": row = 26
              Case "Others ": row = 26
              ' Add cases for other diagnoses here
              ' ...
          End Select
          ' Find column based on Designation,Gender, Age Group, and Visit Type
          Select Case designation
              Case "GPOC"
                  If ageGroup = ">=5 years" & Gender = "Male" Then
                      If visitType = "New Visit" Then col = 3
                      If visitType = "Re-Visit" Then col = 5
                    ElseIf ageGroup = ">5 years" & Gender = "Female" Then
                      If visitType = "New Visit" Then col = 4
                      If visitType = "Re-Visit" Then col = 6
                  End If
                  If ageGroup = ">=5 years" & Gender = "Male" Then
                      If visitType = "New Visit" Then col = 7
                      If visitType = "Re-Visit" Then col = 11
                    ElseIf ageGroup = ">=5 years" & Gender = "Female" Then
                      If visitType = "New Visit" Then col = 8
                      If visitType = "Re-Visit" Then col = 12
                  If ageGroup = "<5 years" Then
                      If visitType = "New Visit" Then col = 9
                      If visitType = "Re-Visit" Then col = 13
                      ElseIf ageGroup = "<5 years" & Gender = "Female" Then
                      If visitType = "New Visit" Then col = 10
                      If visitType = "Re-Visit" Then col = 14
                  End If
                  ' Add more cases as needed for other categories
                  ' ...
          End Select
          ' Return the cell reference
          If row > 0 And col > 0 Then
              Set FindReportCell = ws.Cells(row, col)
              Set FindReportCell = Nothing
          End If
      End Function


      • Akwangdiing's avatar
        Copper Contributor

        this is a sample of what it look like , please take a look and let me know what you think

  • 5playru's avatar
    Copper Contributor

    No doubt excel is an amazing to handle all that type of data which is discussed in this conversation. You can do your work speedy and exactly with the help of these formulas. I also tried to handle my 5play data by using your suggestions. Thanks for that.
