Nov 12, 2024Copper Contributor
Excel formula help
Hi all,
I have a cell where it contains information such as below in cell A1. I want to use a formula to extract the dollar value of Orange (Navel) which is $1,091.49. This figure will change week on week range from $0 to $100,000,000. Any idea how can I do that?
Revenue Apple $6,854,191.79.
Revenue Orange (Navel) $1,091.49.
Revenue Orange (Blood) $7,459.50.
Revenue Water Melon $344.16.
Revenue Pineapple $43,540.05.
Thank you
As variant that could be
=TEXTBEFORE( TEXTAFTER(D$3, E5 & " $") & CHAR(10), "." & CHAR(10),,,1 )*1
and apply currency format to the result