Forum Discussion
Dec 19, 2022Copper Contributor
Conditional import from txt or csv to Excel
Hello, so, I need to import data from a .txt file (might as well be a .csv) that contains: "Initial date", "Final date", "Group". In my Excel sheet I have empty date cells that must that must be wri...
- Dec 27, 2022Sounds like Power Query works:
(1) Goto Tab Data->Get Data->From File->From Text/CSV
(2) Select source file t-> "Transform Data" -> PowerQuery Editor
(3) Transform the data, e.g. "Use First Row as Headers" -> Add "Conditional Column"
(4) Edit condition, Filter By Contional Value, Apply & Close
Dec 26, 2022Copper Contributor
I've tried the formula, unfortunately it wasn't enough to solve my problem. I'm still looking forward to it yet.
Dec 27, 2022Bronze Contributor
import data from a .txt file (might as well be a .csv)
can you share your file here?
maybe another solution available
can you share your file here?
maybe another solution available